Apply for a Pre-consultation

Upon receipt of a completed application form and required submission materials, staff will conduct an initial review and provide Notice of Complete Pre-Consultation Application in order to schedule a PreConsultation Meeting. Staff will provide a required studies list to the applicant following the meeting.

Please note that from the date of the notice of a complete application, the Township expects to take approximately 5-7 weeks to review, circulate and organize the Pre-Consultation comments (and meeting if required).

If the Application is accepted, a $750.00 Pre-consultation Application Fee, $250 for Committee of Adjustment Application, and any additional fees will be required before the Application will be deemed complete. Details of the payment process will be provided when the application is nearing completion. Please note that the application fee and Legal/Peer Review Deposit are initial payments and are not intended to represent all costs to the applicant. Where complex proposals are presented, and outsourced expertise is deemed necessary, relevant submission materials will be circulated to Peer Review Consultants and charged back to the applicant.

Before Completing this form, please prepare the following documents to be uploaded:
    • 1-page max. outlining the nature of the proposal which should include:
      • An introduction to/history of the property (current use; proposed use)
      • Land Use Compatibility (existing designation and zoning of the land; size of lot; neighbouring uses; permitted uses)
      • (Where applicable) Brief description of the anticipated impact to: Active Transportation, Traffic, Parking, Employment, and Commerce.
      • Conclusion (why the proposed use/building addition are justified)

    • Detailed imagery of the subject property and surrounding properties immediately adjacent to it (a screenshot from an online map is acceptable);
    • Concept plan overlaid on the subject property

    • Location of the property and immediate surroundings (including property dimensions);
    • Use of adjoining lands;
    • Location of existing and proposed structures and features such as pedestrian and vehicular access, parking, septic system and water supply (if applicable), road allowances, rights of way, streets and highways, watercourses, drainage ditches, railway corridors, and natural features (trees and vegetation);
    • Existing and proposed lot fabric (as appropriate);
    • Proposed setbacks from lot lines, watercourses and significant natural features; and
    • Other relevant information, as appropriate, to assist staff in understanding the proposal

  • (*Note: The Pre-Consultation scaled drawings are preliminary and may be simplified; not all components listed are expected at this stage.)
    1. the boundaries of the Owner's total holdings with *metric dimensions
    2. the boundaries of the "Subject Land" with *metric dimensions
    3. the location, widths and names of the existing streets or highways which abut the Subject Land
    4. the location, size, area and use of all proposed and/or existing buildings, with metric dimensions and relationship to the lot boundaries clearly marked thereon
    5. the location and size of proposed parking area(s) with *metric dimensions and proposed surfaces marked thereon
    6. the location of any landscaping and/or fencing proposed, with the type and height clearly marked thereon
    7. natural and artificial features (existing and proposed) such as buildings, railways, highways, pipelines, watercourses, drainage ditches, swamps and wooded areas within or adjacent to the Subject Land, as well as the location of any septic tank, tile bed or well to the Ontario Building Code specifications
    8. the location and direction of any lighting proposed
    9. any right-of-ways or other easements
    10. the slope of the land, in order to establish the relationship between the grade of abutting highways and the grade of the Subject Land, and to determine the drainage of the land (this information may be given in the form of contours,spot elevations, or written description)
    11. indicate scale, north point and legend.

  • (Only applicable if Agent has been appointed)
    Please Download and complete the Authorization form to be signed by the Owner, and commissioned.

Please note that all numeric measurements are to be in metric. (NOTE: 3.28 ft = 1 m, 10.76 ft2 = 1 m2) Application will be considered incomplete if in imperial measurement.


Property Owner Name
Telephone Number

Agent Name
Telephone Number

Additional Contact
Reason for Involvement
Telephone Number


Roll Number of Property(determine roll number through simcoe county maps)

The current County of Simcoe Official Plan designation(s):(See County Official Plan)
The current Official Plan designation(s) of the subject land(s) is/are: (See Township Official Plan)
The current Zoning(s) of the subject land(s) is/are:(See Zoning)
The Existing Use(s) of the subject land(s) is/are:

Is the property regulated by the Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority (NVCA)?
Is the property currently Vacant?

Frontage: meters
Depth meters
Area square meters
Road allowance width meters

Access to the subject land is by way of: (check all that apply)


The proposed development and use(s) of the subject land is/are
The proposed Township of Essa Official Plan Designation (if applicable)
The proposed Township of Essa Zoning(s) (if applicable)

Is the proposed use currently permitted under the Township of Essa Official Plan and Zoning By-law 2003-50?


Please indicate below what you believe to be the required Planning Applications in order to facilitate the proposed development (check all that apply)

Have any other applications been made in order to facilitate development on the subject property?


Planning Justification Brief
Aerial Image
Concept Plan
Survey or scaled Drawing
Authorization of Agent (if applicable)



In accordance with the provisions of the Planning Act, it is the policy of the Planning Department to provide public access to all development applications and supporting documentation. In submitting this development application and supporting documentation: