Planning ApplicationsApply for a Pre-consultationA Pre-Consultation application is encouraged prior to the submission of an application for: Site Plan Control/Amendment to Existing Registered Site Plan Official Plan Amendment (OPA) Zoning By-law (ZBA) Draft Plan of Subdivision/CondominiumOnline Application form Apply for a Minor varianceA Minor Variance is a proposed change to a property which does not conform to the requirements of the Zoning By-law. A minor variance approval allows the property owner to obtain a building permit even though their property does not comply precisely with the Zoning By-law.Online Application form Apply for a ConsentThe Committee of Adjustment has also been authorized by Council to grant a Consent request. A consent approval enables certain transactions to occur relating to the subdivision of land. These transactions can include the creation of a new lot; leases over 21-years; mortgage or partial discharge of a mortgage; foreclosure or exercise of power of sale; establishing rights-of-ways and easements over 21-years; adding land to an abutting lot (lot line adjustments, lot additions and lot extensions) and corrections to deeds or property descriptions.Online Application form Official Plan AmendmentAn Official Plan Amendment (OPA) is the process through which the Town guides and approves changes to policies and/or designations within the Official Plan. If a property owner wants to develop a property in a way that is not permitted in the Official Plan, they must apply for an Official Plan Amendment.Application form . Zoning By-law AmendmentA Zoning amendment is required for any variation to the provisions set forth in the Zoning By-law or Official Plan.Application form . Site Plan Control ApplicationSite Plan Control regulates the placement of buildings and structures on a lot, the relationship of structures to adjacent properties and streets, and matters of exterior design for properties subject to Site Plan Control. Approval is required prior to any of the above works.Application form . Plan of Subdivision/Condominium ApplicationA draft plan of subdivision is required for the subdivision on a single parcel or block of land into multiple lots/blocks, or for the creation of condominiums.Application form . Not Sure?Contact our Planning department, at |